One of Britain’s major road hauliers called first thing in the morning requesting that they bring a tanker to our facility here in Oldham as their off-loading tanker meter had stopped working.
The tanker arrived not long after the call and understanding the urgency to get this tanker back on the road our engineer Keith jumped straight in to action.
The successful repair of the meter was completed in under 50 minutes and another very satisfied customer and driver were back on track to meet their customer delivery demands.
As UK distributors and service centre for Neptune (Red Seal – Schlumberger) flow meters, Stream hold a vast number of spares to ensure quick and efficient repair and calibration of these meters.
Along with having the knowledge and many years of experience working with these meters, it is possible to ensure we can meet our customer needs in the fastest possible time frame.
Onsite and return base repair and calibration services are available on our whole range of Neptune (Red Seal) flow meters.